Capturing Our Memories of Solel

by Robbin Botnick, January 9, 2018



As we enter into this new secular year of 2018 I have seen many references that this is the year of life, as numerically it represents 20חי. In Jewish tradition Chai represents life and luck. This year at Solel I would like to focus on life and the vivid memory of life. Solel is a special place because of each of you and because of everyone who has ever been a part of Solel. Our collective experiences have shaped who we are and have made Solel the warm, caring community that it is. Our experiences and our collective memories live in our programs, in our prayer, in our sanctuary, and embody our Solel. As we look to move forward with exciting new opportunities in 2018 we also need to take some time to remember and record our experiences and our histories to ensure that Solel memory will long be preserved. This year we would like to embark on an exercise of recording life. We want to record your stories, your history, your experiences, our lives. We would like to start collecting the stories of your lives and stories of your Solel experience. If you have a story(s) to tell and are able to write it down, please spend some time over the coming weeks and months documenting your story. If you have a story to tell and want to record it or need someone to help you document it, please reach out to the office and we will make arrangements for your story to be documented. We would like to create an archive of all of our stories and videos to ensure that we preserve life and memory.

Please send your stories to If you are interested in helping with this initiative, are interesting in helping record stories or are a budding videographer please reach out to me at and we can work together to build the stories or our lives. As we collect your stories we will begin to build the archive with the intention of sharing all of the stories through some type of public medium.

We would like to collect all of our stories by June 2018 to allow us to begin building our archives. Of course, we will continue to collect stories long past this date as well. Please share your lives with us.


Filed under: President's Message

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